The goods (for 2):
1. 2 tilapia filets
2. 1 mango
3. 1 avocado
4. 1/2 a red pepper
5. Lime juice
6. Cilantro
7. Olive oil
8. Broccoli florets
9. Quinoa
10. Garlic salt + pepper
Get to cooking:
1. Mango salsa: Chop mango, avocado, and red pepper into small chunks. Combine with 1/2 lime worth of lime juice and fresh cilantro
2. Tilapia: Cover in olive oil, garlic salt & pepper and sear on medium heat until flakey. About 4 minutes on each side
3. Broccoli: Bake at 425℉ for 15 minutes
4. Quinoa: Cook on stove top to box directions
5. Combine everything and enjoy :)