Simple, healthy, good as heck.

The goods: · 1 lb ground beef (turkey or sausage)
· 2 tbsps garlic · 2 tbsps Italian seasoning · 1/2 cup cream · 4 cups chicken broth
· 1 yellow onion, chopped · 1 bunch of kale, chopped · 1/2 cup chopped sun dried tomatoes
· Parmesan cheese _____________________ Get to cooking: 1. Sauté onions, garlic, and ground beef until browned 2. Bring chicken broth and sun dried tomatoes to a simmer 3. Once browned, add beef and onions to the broth 4. Sauté kale in the onion and beef pan for 5 minutes, or until soft 5. Add kale, cream and Italian seasoning to the broth 6. Simmer for 30-60 minutes 7. Top with Parmesan cheese and enjoy :)