If your fav taco place isn’t doing take out right now, add making these steak tacos to your to do list this week 🌮

The goods (13 ingredients):
1. 1.5-2 lb skirt steak
2. 1 orange
3. 1 lime
4. 1 tbsp minced garlic
5. 2 teaspoons paprika
6. 2 teaspoons chili power
7. 1/4 red onion
8. Corn tortillas
9. Guac
10. Pineapple salsa
11. Cilantro
12. Feta cheese
13. Salt, pepper, olive oil
Get to cooking:
1. 2-4 hours ahead of time, marinate the skirt steak
2. To marinate, add the juice of the orange, juice of the lime, garlic, paprika, chili power, salt and pepper to a gallon zip lock bag. Place in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours (more time= more tender)
3. Once marinated, warm up a cast iron or skillet to medium/high heat with olive oil
4. Sear steak on both sides for 5 minutes
5. After searing, let steak sit for 5 minutes on a cutting board
6. While steak is sitting, sauté red onions in olive oil for about 3 minutes to get them soft (or eat raw if you prefer)
7. While steak is sitting, crisp up your corn tortillas in the pan(30 seconds on each side)
8. Once crisp, add guac and red onion to the shell
9. After 5 minutes of resting, slice steak thin and place on the tacos
10. Top with pineapple salsa (buy or make with cilantro and lime juice), feta cheese, and cilantro
11. Enjoy :)